The maps below show an industrial area in the town of Norbiton, and planned future development of the site.

The two maps illustrate the variation in Norbiton town, showing the current industrial usage and the proposed future refurbishment of the area.
Overall, it is evident that there will be more accommodations and numerous facilities replacing the factories in the town.
Upon closer examination of the maps, many factories are situated along the routes, and there are still significant unused spaces. These factories will be replaced by a plethora of new apartments or flats to accommodate the rising population. Additionally, various amenities will be planned to cater to multiple needs, including shops, a medical center, a playground, and an educational establishment. With more routes and pathways, these facilities will be more accessible to citizens.
Moreover, the maps also imply that a new bridge will be constructed across the river to provide an alternative route for individuals. The construction of a new bridge is expected to enhance convenience for residents in the northern farmland.