In their advertising, business nowadays usually emphasize that their products are new in some way. Why is this?
Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
Compelling advertisements typically catch everyone’s attention. Not only can they attract potential consumers to purchase, but they can provide the organization with greater incentive to develop new merchandise. In my opinion, it is positive development for our advertisements.
People naturally tend to prefer novelty than the familiar. Advertisements strategically leverage this inclination to improve their visibility among potential consume ...
A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweigh its drawbacks?
Traveling has recovered and become more popular after three years of severe pandemic or coronavirus. Some people assert tourism can have adverse impact on the environment. However, I do not agree with this and I will illustrate several compelling reasons for supporting the benefits of tourism outweigh its drawbacks.
Tourism boosts the economy. In many countrie ...
The pie chart below show how much money is spent in the budget on different sectors by the UAE government in 2000.
The pie chart illustrates the proportion of expenditure on various departments by the UAE government in 2000.
Overall, it is clear that a huge amount of money was expended on social security in the surveyed year, whereas this figure for transportation was incredibly low.
Looking at the pie chart more closely, one can see that social security occupied the largest amount of expenditure (100 billion), while transport was the smallest figure (9 billion). The figure of health and personal social se ...
The diagram show the recycling process of aluminum cans.
The diagram below illustrates the several stages of how to recycle aluminum cans.
Overall, it is evident that the process commences with disposing of the used cans and ends with manufacturing containers with reusing material.
Initially, used cans are thrown away into the trash bins then collected and sent to the special center which is particularly dealing with these containers for recycling. The aluminum cans are cleaned and sorted first, because they may be filthy and inappropriate for reusi ...
Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Other say that there are more import environmental problems.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Environmental concerns have undeniably risen to the forefront of global issues in recent times. While some individuals emphasize the significance of the loss of specific species as the primary environmental challenge, others contend that there exist more critical problems warranting our immediate attention. In this essay, I will delve into both perspectives and present my own viewpoint.
Animals and plants play pivotal roles in our ecosystem. ...
前言這故事要提到我的職涯計畫,以前是在金融業做 Data Scientist 和 RPA (Robotic Process Automation),那時候也有開發一些全端的網站應用。而當我接觸網站開發的那一刻起,我心中就對這塊充滿好奇心。
當時,我提出以儀表板方式呈現各部門使用 RPA 的情況,並簡單地進行了一個概念驗證(POC)。當主管看到這個儀表板時,對此印象深刻,甚至還請旁邊的其他同事來評估我所開發的網站。那時候,我內心充滿了成就感,也因此對轉向網站開發產生了興趣。
我平常使用的語言是 Python,開發的框架大多是 Flask、FastAPI 並搭配 Postgres。為了加深自己對於網站開發的技能,也對於現行軟體課程評估了一番,最後決定參加六角學院的軟體工程師企業專題班。
關於課程課程主要使用 Node.js 搭配 Mongo DB 開發,這兩個也是我沒有接觸過的技術,下定決心要好好新技術,提升自己的職涯競爭力。
我想額外提到,每 ...
Nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems are trying alternative medicines and treatments instead of visiting their usual doctor.
Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?
It is undeniable that as individuals age, their bodies become more susceptible to illness, disease, or even cancer. Access to quality healthcare is a crucial concern worldwide, especially given the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles and poor dietary habits. Some people are drawn to alternative treatments; however, there are potential drawbacks to this approach that deserve consideration. In this essay, I will illustrate the underlying ...
Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expansive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree or disagree?
In recent times, people have been consuming more food than ever before, leading to potential health issues such as cancer or disease. Some individuals argue that increasing the prices of sugary products could discourage customers from excessive sugar consumption. However, I do not support this viewpoint and I will illustrate two underlying reasons in this essay.
Sugar manufactures primarily prioritize profit over health concerns. Placing the burden solely on these companies is not fair, as poo ...
The diagram illustrates how bees produce honey.
The given diagram shows the most important process of making honey which commences with making the hive and ends in storing the honey in the jars.
Initially, a bunch of bees has to build a container called a hive with a hexagonal shape. After building their repository of honey, they seek for nectar. Meanwhile, the blossoming plants release its fragrance which attracts bees. When bees find a suitable flower, they collect the nectar from it, which is used as the raw material to produce honey.
Th ...
Some people think that government should strictly control the supply of fresh water, as it is a limited resource, while others it should not be regulated.
For human beings, water is an indispensable and essential resource in the worldwide and its quality would have enormous impact on our health. While some individuals argue that it should not be governed by authorities, I believe there are more compelling reasons for the government to regulate water resources to ensure stability and high quality.
To begin with, one of the primary reasons for advocating government regulation of water is to prevent negative consequences. For instance, irresponsibl ...