The bar chart details how many people emigrate to different countries from the UK during 2004 to 2007.

Overall, it is evident that most British people emigrated to Australia during the period. Conversely, USA and France were less popular for emigration compared to other countries.

Looking at the graph more closely, it is notable that British people prioritized Australia as the first emigration destination, since the least number (almost 39,000) in 2005 was higher than any other countries’ number regardless of time. Over 50,000 people emigrated to Australia in 2006, which was the largest number in the bar chart; however, it declined to about 43,000 people in the following year. Spain and New Zealand exhibited similar patterns, experiencing a decreasing trend from 2005 to 2007. Specifically, in Spain, the numbers declined from approximately 33,000 to 27,000, while in New Zealand, they decreased from 22,000 to 20,000.

The number of moving to USA fluctuated and the least number of people left the UK around 18,000 in 2005. Although substantial people (nearly 35,000) emigrated to France in 2005, it became less popular at the end of the period with 20,000 people in 2007.