Some people hesitate between getting a job and starting their own business. While the idea of not having a boss and working on one's own schedule may sound tempting, financial risks and stress sometimes outweigh these advantages.
In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of working in a company?

It is debatable that whether one should embrace employment or embark on entrepreneurship, particularly for recent graduates. While some people argue that job stability and lower risk make employment an attractive choice, opponents contend that starting a business is more rewarding. Personally, I support the former and I will discuss both of advantages and drawbacks.
On the positive side, employees bear less risk compared to entrepreneurs. For entry-level workers, concerns related to operating funds, human resources, and management are not paramount since they are neither chief executive officer (CEO) nor members of the board of directors. Despite potential unsatisfactory performance, majority of companies ensure that fixed monthly salaries and essential welfares. Moreover, employees are typically safeguarded by employment laws, preventing from vicious bosses and inappropriate demands. If one struggles with the company culture, they can easily explore other career options without significant opportunity costs.
On the contrary, excessive working hours pose a primary drawback, which can have detrimental impacts on individuals’ health and work-life balance. Certain professionals are compelled to exceed the standard 40-hour workweek, surpassing the average working hours. For instance, chefs and waiters are mandated to consistently work beyond 8 hours, especially during continuous holiday periods. Recent research has shown that prolonged periods without adequate relaxation can lead to both mental and physical health issues. This concern is particularly unsettling in occupations such as bus drivers and pilots, where excessive working hours could jeopardize public safety and lead to catastrophic consequences.
In conclusion, choosing between being an employee or an entrepreneur involves weighing various factors, including risk and management of working hours. It is crucial to carefully consider the pros and cons when opting for one’s career path.