The bar chart below shows the popularity of well-known Instagram accounts in 2018 and 2021.

The bar chart details the follower statistics for five prestigious Instagram accounts in 2018 and 2021.
Overall, it is evident that all accounts have a considerable growth in their followers in this period. Cristiano Ronaldo reached the highest number of followers in 2021, whereas the Selena Gomez went from most to least popular over the period surveyed.
Looking at the graph more closely, Selena Gomez had by far the most followers, with 125 million, which was more than 10 million above Ariana Grande (112 million) and Ronaldo (110 million) in 2018. By 2021, Selena’s follower account had roughly doubled to 245 million while Ronaldo’s surged to lead all celebrities at 315 million and Ariana Grande increased more than twofold to 251 million. Kylie Jenner’s followers and The Rock were just around 95 million and 85 million in 2018, respectively; however, both influencers added approximately 150 million followers during three years.
All accounts experienced a huge growth in the followers’ number during three years, and Cristiano Ronaldo’s had the highest growth rate in this chart, which was around three times its initial figure. In 2018, the Rock had the smallest number (around 90 million people); however, the growth rate was also incredible, ranking in the second position on the bar chart, and the account followers reached approximately 250 million people in 2021.