The diagram illustrates how bees produce honey.

The given diagram shows the most important process of making honey which commences with making the hive and ends in storing the honey in the jars.
Initially, a bunch of bees has to build a container called a hive with a hexagonal shape. After building their repository of honey, they seek for nectar. Meanwhile, the blossoming plants release its fragrance which attracts bees. When bees find a suitable flower, they collect the nectar from it, which is used as the raw material to produce honey.
The nectar is taken back to the hive and then stored in its cells. This process may be taken time because there are a lot of cells in a hive. Subsequently, the bees flap their wings in order to generate the air to cool it down. As a result, the nectar loses it water content and then finally, the honey is produced. Ultimately, the collected honey is stored and packed in jars to be delivered to the markets.